February 10, 2010

Shills - purifying peel-off mask

Ok. So this is my first review.. please bear with me..
I am simply gonna list out the pros and cons for easier understanding.
If you have any questions, just feel free to send me an email at why.beautyblog@gmail.com

  • easy to use
  • painless
  • good smell
  • removes white heads only

  • does not deal well with stubborn black heads
  • takes a long time to dry
  • hard to clean off
  • needs relatively huge amount of product each time
  • I saw the ad on internet and showed great interest. The first time, I put too much and it took over 30 minutes to dry. It was also hard to clean off afterwards (the parts in which never dried up). The second time, I use less product; it dried up faster. But stubborn black heads could not be removed. I guess this product only works on more manageable white heads.
  • If you are looking for a product that could remove your black head, this is not a product for you..

1 comment:

  1. the review sounds nice.

    may be u shd do this in bilingual?

    gd for yr Chinese practice while increasing visitor count.

    my 2 cents.

