January 14, 2011

FreePeople - Jan11 Lookbook

So I have been doing a lot of window online shopping today and I stumble upon FreePeople. I believe I have not yet introduced them to you before at all. FreePeople (in which I will refer as FP from now on) has physical stores in US as well as an online shop. They merchandise products from other brands and also carry a lot of vintage item that they collect worldwide. Each piece of their vintage collections is unique and does not duplicate. Their style is mainly romantic and anything that goes well with the theme of romance. As you can see in the photo shoot included in this post, the retro romantic style is representing the style carried by FP.

Although we are still freezing our butt off right now, it's probably time to go hunt down some piece for spring as the warm weather will be right around the corner I believe. Even not, it does not hurt to buy a little early right? Shopping is shopping, we need not excuses ladies. ♥

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