waiting for it to dry
rub rub rub RUB RUB RUbbbbb
PROS / 好處
- remove dirt and dead cells as stated (this one advantage beats all, right? coz that's the main purpose of this product) / 有效帶走死皮,角質層,污垢。
- easy steps and quick / 快捷,容易使用
- dry rubbing is not fun in my opinion / 乾搓真是一點好處都沒有。
- excess rubbing to loosen the skin / 過多乾搓還可能會令皮膚鬆弛。
- I am not too sure about 'nourishing complexions' / 還有,招貼上的 “nourishing complexion” 工用,我真係唔知得唔得。
- hard to pour out since the liquid form is kind of thick / 倒出來的時候有點困難。
- oh yes.. it was quite magical !!!
- all the dirt (as u can see) are getting removed and skin definitely feel smoother and cleaner
- but I am just very concerned with the dry rubbing which could loosen the skin around the face area
- well, there is one solution: always rub upwards not never downwards...
- 真的在玩魔術哦。
- 你可見到,真的有很多很多的死皮,角質層,污垢被搓走呀。
- 但是,還是少用好一點。
- 乾搓過多的結果就是皮膚鬆弛。
- 唯一解決辦法就是永遠都是向上搓。